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九游app官网入口(中国)官方网站·IOS/手机版APP下载/APP:你是剁手党吗 高科技手袋锁住你钱包

作者:九游app官网入口时间:2025-01-24 21:03:01 次浏览


Try as you might, do you find it impossible to stick to a budget? How about letting your bag look out for your finances by lo

本文摘要:Try as you might, do you find it impossible to stick to a budget? How about letting your bag look out for your finances by locking shut when you stray near to your favourite store, keeping your wallet safely tucked away from splurging?尽量的试试看,你是不是找到显然不有可能坚决支出?

Try as you might, do you find it impossible to stick to a budget? How about letting your bag look out for your finances by locking shut when you stray near to your favourite store, keeping your wallet safely tucked away from splurging?尽量的试试看,你是不是找到显然不有可能坚决支出?当你误入歧途南北最喜欢的商店时,你的手袋不会自动瞄准,将钱包藏一起以防止挥霍无度,老大你财经,这个主意怎么样?The iBag2 is a concept design that helps you control your impulse buys. iBag2是一个概念设计,可以协助你掌控买买卖的冲动。You programme in the places where you cant resist spending and the bag locks tight when its GPS sensors see youre close by. 加到那些不会让你吐血购物性欲的地点,当它的GPS传感器告诉你在这附近时,就不会脚架。And you can punch in the times you tend to spend too much. 你可以输出自己往往花钱过于多的时间点。

Thatll stop you splashing out on your favourite stores when you dont have money to spend, or preventing you spending loads, say, during your lunch break. 这将制止你在借钱的时候去最喜欢的商店里大肆挥霍,或避免你延误,比如在你午休期间。Those lattes soon add up, yknow. 你告诉,拿铁咖啡账单迅速积少成多。The bag also flashes when you take out your wallet, reminding you to think before you spend. 而且,当你拿走钱包时,iBag2手袋还不会闪光,警告你在花钱之前三思。

Theres also an RFID tracker to make sure your bag doesnt go walkabout without you, and a USB connection with a battery pack to charge your smartphone or tablet as you tote them around.iBag2还内置一枚无线射频辨识(RFID)跟踪器,保证手袋会靠近主人,以及USB模块和移动电源,当你托着它出外时可以为智能手机或平板电脑电池。The bag is a prototype by personal finance website finder.com. 这个手袋是个人财经网站finder.com发售的样品。It was designed by NY-based designer Geova Rodrigues and put together by engineers from robotics firm Colmac Robotics in Dublin, Ireland.它由纽约设计师Geova Rodrigues设计,由来自爱尔兰都柏林的机器人技术公司Colmac Robotics的工程师组装。


