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九游app官网入口(中国)官方网站·IOS/手机版APP下载/APP:在1万美元这个价位 苹果手表有哪些竞争对手

作者:九游app官网入口时间:2024-12-23 21:03:02 次浏览


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译文仅供参考 译文在上,对照英文在下。据官方消息表明:苹果计划把最华丽的那款智能手表的起步价以定在1万美元。Well, it is official: Apple plans to charge at least$10,000 for the fanciest version of its upcoming smartwatch.尽管这个新的发售的腕上电脑系列也有349美元的普通款,但《财富》不已注意到,苹果于是以举步踏入由博柏利、路易o威登和劳力士等老牌奢华品牌主导的高价手表圈。实质上,价格以致于多达1万美元的手表非常广泛。

在内曼o马库斯等高端商店的玻璃陈列柜里,许多奢华品牌手表都在相互竞争。Although the base price for the new wrist computer are $349, Fortune couldn’t help but notice that Apple is also tossing its hat into a ring of high-priced watches dominated by established luxury brands like Burberry, Louis Vuitton and Rolex.之前就有人猜测,苹果不会企图利用高价手表参予奢侈品市场的争夺战,而本周一旧金山的苹果发布会则坐实了这一推测。


There had been speculation that Apple could try to tackle the luxury market with exorbitantly pricy watches, and Monday’s event in San Francisco confirmed those rumors. The high-end line of watches Apple debuted Monday includes eight models ranging in cost between $10,000 to $17,000. One example is a $17,000 18-karat version with a rose gold case and a rose gray buckle. Looking for a more affordable option? Try the white sport band for $10,000.在苹果进占智能手表市场之前,有数很多公司先行发售此类产品,但多数消费者并不买账。根据研究公司NPD Group的调查,美国有十分之一的成年人享有健美追踪器,但只有2%的成年人享有智能手表。而高昂的价格不会让苹果手表的受众面更为狭小。Apple’s move into the smartwatch market comes as a number of companies try to make inroads despite reticence by most consumers. While one in ten U.S. adults own a fitness tracker, only 2% of adults have smartwatches according to research firm NPD Group. The high-priced Apple watches will reach far fewer consumers.以下是四款其他品牌的手表,售价也都在1万美元以上,而且并不具备无线网际网路功能。

Here are four other brands selling watches that cost at least $10,000 — and they don’t have WiFi.1)博柏利“英伦风尚能”特别版18K金自动腕表——14,995美元1) Burberry’s 18K Gold Watch — $14,995这款博柏利特别版手表男女标准化,每一只手表上面都有独立国家编号,总共只有50只。手表为瑞士生产,享有以防镜片、以防划痕和抗震的蓝宝石水晶表镜。苹果大可从挖来的零售和在线商店高级副总裁安吉拉o阿伦德茨那里,学一点奢侈品的涉及经验,她之前曾兼任过博柏利的首席执行官。

This limited edition Burberry is a line of individually numbered watches for men and women, each one created in a series of 50. The watch is Swiss made, and features anti-reflective, scratch and shock-resistant sapphire crystal. Apple could learn a thing or two about luxury from one of its own top leaders: Angela Ahrendts, senior vice president of retail and online stores, had previously served as CEO at Burberry.2)路易o威登Tambour——10,200美元2) Louis Vuitton Tambour — $10,200这家奢华品牌的Tambour系列瑞士手表专为男士打造出。它享有不锈钢表壳和“黑色金属恩复合材料的表圈”,以及不锈钢的表带。

This Swiss-made watch from the luxury brand’s Tambour collection is meant for men. It features a stainless steel case with “Black Metal Matrix Compositebezel,” as well as a stainless steel strap.3)Dolce Gabbana DS5——37,500美元3) Dolce Gabbana DS5 — $37,500Dolce Gabbana在官网上所列了许多手表,却未得出价格,上面只写出着“按须要定价”。但DS5金表倒是明码标价了,却非常难以置信——34,500欧元,约合37,000美元。


但它的确有一些东西是低廉手表没的:25颗红宝石,和炭黑鳄鱼皮的表带。Dolce Gabbana lists a number of watches on its website without a price tag. Rather, all it says is “prices upon request.” But the DS5 Gold’s price is listed: it is a whooping 34,500 euros, or around $37,000. For that you’ll get a watch that includes “indication of hours, minutes, seconds, day and date, and chronograph.” Not to be argumentative, but that sounds a lot like a most cheap watches – give or take a few seconds in accuracy. But here’s something cheap watches don’t have: 25 rubies and a carbon black alligator strap.4)劳力士Lady-Datejust——18,750美元(有可能更高)4) Rolex Lady-Datejust — $18,750 (or possibly more)这款手表的零售价据传是23,850美元(劳力士未在官网标示价格),但如果你想要想到是不是折扣的机会,那么在bernardwatch.com上需要以18,750美元的价格购买它。

Lady-Datejust问世于1957年,据劳力士讲解,该表格由于非凡的精度,沦为了年所一批取得仪器计时表证书的女装腕表。This watch retails for a purported $23,850 (Rolex doesn’t list prices on its website), but if you want to take your chances on a discount, a website called bernardwatch.com sells it for $18,750. The Lady-Datejust has been telling time since 1957 and according to Rolex, was one of the first ladies’ watches certified as a chronometer for its remarkable precision.。


