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作者:九游app官网入口时间:2025-01-11 21:03:01 次浏览


Pakistan has won the first-ever order for its JF-17 Thunder jet fighter, an air force spokesman said Monday, as the revamped

本文摘要:Pakistan has won the first-ever order for its JF-17 Thunder jet fighter, an air force spokesman said Monday, as the revamped plane dazzled crowds at the Paris Air Show.巴基斯坦首次取得JF-17雷鸣战机订单,一名空军发言人周一说道,这款改进型战机在巴黎航展上让观众大饱眼福。

Pakistan has won the first-ever order for its JF-17 Thunder jet fighter, an air force spokesman said Monday, as the revamped plane dazzled crowds at the Paris Air Show.巴基斯坦首次取得JF-17雷鸣战机订单,一名空军发言人周一说道,这款改进型战机在巴黎航展上让观众大饱眼福。Pakistan has been years without a buyer for its first home-made jet, which was designed with the help of close ally China.多年来都没买家出售巴基斯坦的首款国产战机,这款战机是在亲近盟友中国的协助下设计已完成的。Commodore Syed Muhammad Ali, spokesman for the Pakistan Air Force, confirmed an order for the plane had been finalised.巴基斯坦空军发言人证实说道早已有一个国家向巴基斯坦下了订单。


